Author: Student master Cristina ZANFIR
In this paper I present the aspects that lead to discrimination. I have analised at concept level, the intergroups attitude components, the stereotype, prejudice and discrimination, like a russian dolls Matryoshka, as Adrian Neculau defines them. The stereotype represents the first puppet and belongs to the strictly cognitive component, because it referes only at a set of beliefs regarding the object or the person in cause (Neculau, 2004, p 262). The next puppet, the affective component, is the prejudice. The last and the most dangerous one is the behavioral component, discrimination, which grows on fertilized land by the negativ stereotype and prejudice.
The discrimination problem has been seen based on some criterias: racial, health, physical appearance, parental status and disabilities. Thus, this is not a full picture, but an uderstanding of some of the most important discriminations patterns from the country.
For each criterion addressed, we broad to light the ways manifests and how it affects the children in the future. Finally, several steps have been recomanded, meant to fight the discrimination and to promote the equality.