Authors: Ruth Lusike Nyaranga, Atieno Kili K odhiambo, Lewis M. Ngesu
The study aimed to investigate the influence of domestic violence on students’ classroom behaviour in secondary schools in Bungoma County, Kenya. The study explored this by examining the extent to which various forms of domestic violence (DV) influenced students’ classroom behaviour. The research utilized the theory of behavioural psychology, which emphasizes that behaviour is acquired or learnt from the surrounding. Descriptive survey design was used. The target population comprised of 1600 individuals, from which 648 were sampled using purposeful, stratified and random sampling. The study sampled 36 principals, 36 guidance and counselling teachers and 576 students. The research tools were: questionnaires for the students, interview schedule for the principals and guidance and counselling teachers. The questionnaires were analysed quantitatively and the interviews data was analysed qualitatively. The findings reveal students are victims of DV. Secondly their personality is affected. The study recommends measures to be taken against the perpetrators depending on individual differences and schools to be facilitated with rehabilitation facilities for student victims.