București:Tritonic Publishing House, 2016, 203 pages, ISBN: 978-606-749-110-4
Author: Associatte professor PhD, Gabriela Alina ANGHEL
Tritonic Publishing House has signaled in 2016 the aparition of the book ,,Modernitatea tendenţială. Reflecții despre evoluția modernă a societății” (“Tendential Modernity. Reflections about the modern evolution of the society”), written by Professor PhD Constantin Schifirneț, outstanding personality in the field of the Romanian Sociology whom, in the lanscape of the sociological research, we discover him as author of extremely valuable researches, true scientific foundations of social radiographies, corresponding to various periods. In his bibliographic list we find papers from various fields: modernity, europenization, sociology of communication, culture sociology and antropology, sociology of ages and generations, Romanian philosophical and sociological thought.