Author: Mihai Alin Anghel Modeling consumer behavior can be explained in the context of specific paradigms: sociological, psychological, cultural, neurocognitive, anthropological, and economic. With the discoveries in the field of neuroscience, the perspective of over-explaining consumer behavior is heading more toward cognitive neuroscience. The research in neurophysiology has succeeded in explaining the interpsychic processes and…
Categorie: Anul III (2022) Vol. 3 N0. 1
Authors: Alina Anghel
Siauw Giok Tjhan and Abdurrahman Wahid: History of Chinese Citizenship in Indonesia
Authors: Asyrul Fikri, Anju Nofarof Hasudungan This study aims to describe the role of Siauw Giok Tjhan and Abdurrahman Wahid in mainstreaming the discourse of ethnic Chinese citizenship into an integral part of the Indonesian nation. This study uses historical research methods. The results showed that Siauw Giok Tjhan through Baperki (Indonesian Citizenship Consultative Body)…
Requirements of lifelong learning in the knowledge society
Authors: Bogdan Constantin Neculau, Gabriela Alina Anghel The article aims to analyze, from a theoretical point of view, the aspects related to the presence of lifelong learning in the knowledge society, as a contribution to the perfection of human personality, but also as a mean to achieve balance and performance individually, professionally and socially. The…
Barriers of the Use of ICT in Teaching: Mont-Amba Educational Province Solutions
Authors: Manda Kisimba Benjamin, Mbaruku Ramazani Baudoin, Kalay Kut Jean-Pierre The accelerated advancement of the technological revolution in the new digital world forces teachers to adapt and renovate their teaching practice by using information and communication technologies in the usual way so that this innovation improves the quality of the teaching and learning for skills…
Quality education as a predictor of education for sustainability
Authors: Gabriela Alina Anghel, Bogdan Constantin Neculau This article aims to analyse, from a theoretical point of view, the aspects that define the education for sustainability in the context of global development policies. In this context, the phrase “sustainable education” has been described in the context of the relationship between indicators that measure the quality…
Malay Deli in North Sumatra: History and Today’s Existence
Authors: Yushar Tanjung, Muhammad Ricky Hardiyansyah, Surya Aymanda Nababan This study aims to describe the history of the Deli Malay and its current existence as one of the major ethnic groups in Indonesia. During the Dutch colonial period, Deli was famous for its tobacco plantations, even the practice of real contract coolies existed in Deli….
Domestic Violence and its Influence on Students: the Prevalent of the Various Forms of Domestic Violence in Bungoma County, Kenya
Authors: Ruth Lusike Nyaranga, Atieno Kili K odhiambo, Lewis M. Ngesu The study aimed to investigate the influence of domestic violence on students’ classroom behaviour in secondary schools in Bungoma County, Kenya. The study explored this by examining the extent to which various forms of domestic violence (DV) influenced students’ classroom behaviour. The research utilized…
Exposure as a Method to Experiencing Hospitality in Education
Authors: Susanne Buch Nielsen, Ellen Louise Volsing, Elena Marin There is increasing pressure for all education institutions to undergo transformation, with education as needing to adapt in ways that meet the conceptual needs of our time. Reflecting this is the educators’ role in the classroom. The purpose of this scoping review is to provide a…
The Romanian Curriculum of Early Education and Primary Education
Author: Florentina-Lavinia Matei The article analyzes the Romanian curriculum specific to primary and preschool education. The article focuses on the curriculum approved in 2011 for primary education, respectively the one approved in 2019 for early education. The analysis between the primary education curriculum and the early education curriculum follows the specifics of the curriculum, the…